Welcome to the FLASH project - Former Librarians Are Seriously Helpful. FLASH was coined when T and V, both experienced qualified librarians, moved out of the library sector but into roles that made use of their library and information skills. They realised that they knew a number of other former librarians and wanted to capture the different ways in which people use their library skills, beyond a traditional library setting.
The FLASH project will run for a year and aims to:
- collate the experiences of people with library qualifications who no longer work as librarians
- investigate the range of roles that these former librarians have gone into and why
- look at the transferability of skills between librarianship and other employment
- inspire and inform people about the way that traditional library and information skills can be used
If you fit into the profile of a librarian who no longer works in libraries and would like to help with this project, please get in touch, either via twitter (@formerlibs) or by email (formerlibrarians@gmail.com). We will be using a short standard questionairre and it will be possible to be totally anonymous.